The story behind Bengs Water

At Bengs, we make innovative products that greatly improve your body's balance from the inside out.

Origin of Bengs

Bill Bengston is a typical scientist. Doesn't believe anything without being proven wrong multiple times. In the 1970s 'Bill began following a "healer" with fascination and expertise. Many years of disbelief and 'surely this can't be true' preceded ever greater investigations. From this journey of trial and error, Bengs was born. Knowledge and insights from decades combined into an innovative RIC technology. With this RIC technology developed by Ted den Ouden, Bengs Resonant Water is made. Research has now scientifically demonstrated that we can programme information into water, leading to our revolutionary product: Bengs Water.


We aim to make Bengs accessible to everyone using our innovative resonant water technology. Our mission is to improve daily energy levels and promote body balance to improve people's overall well-being. 


We envision a future where Bengs is a leading player in natural and effective solutions in the wellness sector. Our vision is that everyone, regardless of their background or physical condition, can experience the benefits of Bengs resonant water and thereby embrace a healthier, balanced lifestyle.

Our team

Bill Bengston Chief Science
Margaret Nies Chief Flora & Fauna
Ted den Ouden Chief

I dare to challenge Bengs

Frequently asked questions

We have done our best to answer all the questions we can think of. Is yours not among them? Then get in touch with us.

What is Resonance?

An example to explain the potency of resonance is light. White light contains all colours of light. White light therefore contains the non-visible potential of all colours. Resonant water offers the 'non-measurable potential' of resonances.

Another way of looking at resonance is the more formal way. Resonance (Latin: resonare, to echo) is a physical phenomenon that occurs with vibrations. A vibrating object can make another object vibrate, as the vibrations are transmitted through an intermediate substance. When this other object vibrates in the rhythm of the original vibrations, this phenomenon is called resonance. Source: Wikipedia.

What's in Bengs Resonant water products?

Quite simply that is one ingredient: water. Bengs Resonant water starts as ordinary water passing through a technology developed by ourselves. So this is not an addition in the form of a substance or anything like that.

The basis under Restore and Perform is the Bengston Energy Healing Method®.

Among the other products, this is the healing resonance of various base products, without the possible side effects of (chemical) substances in these base products.

What kind of water is used for the Bengs Resonant water products?

The base is plain tap water that then goes through an additional filtration system. We are continuously improving our water quality.

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