Resonant Water Research

Bengston Research

Four surveys for Bengs Restore we conducted with Bengston Research, the research institute in which William Bengston, PhD, has housed all his research on the underlying method. In the reports below, you will find the research results of several studies demonstrating the efficacy of Bengs Water:

'Energised Water Study'; This paper reports the results of an initial study with Resonant Water.

'A Clinical Social Experiment of Device Infused Resonant Water'; A report of a second water study conducted in the Netherlands and Belgium demonstrating the efficacy of Bengs.

'A Replication of a Clinical Social Experiment of Device-Infused Resonant Water'; The third in a series of clinical social experiments designed to test the feasibility of transitioning 'healing by intention' from the historically dominant one-to-one administration method to one that may offer a scalable method for global dissemination.

One such study led to its publication in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, (peer reviewed). With this publication in this scientific journal, we demonstrate the efficacy of our products. Bengs Informed water is thus a fact.

Bengs Restore and Bengs Recover were tested on more than 600 people in 4 individual studies lasting 8 weeks each: 2 in the United States and 1 in Europe and 1 in Africa.

  • Statistically significant improvements were found in all well-being indicators.
  • Majority of subjects reported improvements in a variety of health conditions, some even in their primary condition.
  • The majority wanted to continue taking the Bengs drops.

Bengs Perform was tested by 20 athletes in a series of six blind tests.

Respondents were asked to determine from their performance whether their bottle of Bengs contained Perform or not. The following results were shown:
  • 89% of the athletes could blindly indicate at which workout they had used Bengs Water
  • They could lift heavier weights and do more repetitions while working out
  • Recovery period after training was shorter
  • More energy after intense physical exertion
  • Less muscle pain and strain

RIC method

Bill Bengston, PhD, developed the RIC method (Rapid Image Cycling™), the basis under Bengs. He spent decades researching healing. Although many people have experienced his method using RIC, Bill wanted to know more. His research subsequently showed that information can be stored in water. Currently, five scientific studies have been conducted demonstrating Bengs' effect on the human body. At Bengs Water, we are constantly working on new research and tests to optimise our water products and share evidence with everyone.

Want to read more about William Bengston's work?

In 2010, Dr William Bengston presented his astonishing evidence in his book 'Healing through Energy'. Evidence that challenges us to see our ability to heal in a totally different light. You will read about his scientific research and incredible results. With, sometimes head-scratching, questions, you are invited to follow him along his thirty-five years of research into the mystery of healing through energy. Read more about his research on his website Bengston Research.

More on Bengston Research

Frequently asked questions

We have done our best to answer all the questions we can think of. Is yours not among them? Then get in touch with us.

What is Resonance?

An example to explain the potency of resonance is light. White light contains all colours of light. White light therefore contains the non-visible potential of all colours. Resonant water offers the 'non-measurable potential' of resonances.

Another way of looking at resonance is the more formal way. Resonance (Latin: resonare, to echo) is a physical phenomenon that occurs with vibrations. A vibrating object can make another object vibrate, as the vibrations are transmitted through an intermediate substance. When this other object vibrates in the rhythm of the original vibrations, this phenomenon is called resonance. Source: Wikipedia.

What's in Bengs Resonant water products?

Quite simply that is one ingredient: water. Bengs Resonant water starts as ordinary water passing through a technology developed by ourselves. So this is not an addition in the form of a substance or anything like that.

The basis under Restore and Perform is the Bengston Energy Healing Method®.

Among the other products, this is the healing resonance of various base products, without the possible side effects of (chemical) substances in these base products.

What kind of water is used for the Bengs Resonant water products?

The base is plain tap water that then goes through an additional filtration system. We are continuously improving our water quality.

See all frequently asked questions