
Rebecca Winter - Bengs Perform

"I love Bengs Products! At the moment, I'm especially fond of Perform. I use Perform before I head to the gym and I've noticed a marked increase in my own athletic performance. It immediately affected my ability to push myself to do new and more difficult things in my workout. I absolutely love this product."

Margot Wolfschot - Bengs Glow

'I feel strongly that it works.'

Harriette Mc Donough - Three Arms Energy Balancing Coaching - Bengs Glow
"I have been using GLOW for over a month now and have noticed a translucent and smooth quality to my facial skin! Even my son, on his latest visit home remarked that I was "glowing" . I spend a great deal of money on cosmetic skin products and GLOW has made an undeniable difference for a fraction of the cost. Now I combine GLOW with RESTORE every day. I look younger and my energy level and immune system are strong! Keep up the good work Bengs! I mean every word of my review."
Sonja and Victor - Bengs Restore

"My husband Victor and I were involved in a head-on collision about 3 years ago. We were both
badly injured. I started with Bengs Restore. I experience that my body is different and recovered. Since the accident, Victor has many complaints. These include neuropathy, sciatica, loss of strength
left hand and low back pain. He underwent many surgeries and prior to using the
drops* have help going down the stairs in the house, couldn't walk the dog alone and
had surgical scars where incisions were made."
From Victor: After using Bengs Restore, I come down the stairs on my own, can walk the dog again and be
my scars have become less hard. Fine."

Barbara - Bengs Restore

"My experience with Bengs Restore is that I had immediate results. In my case much longer and deeper
sleep than usual. Immediately after taking it, I felt it sting under my tongue, as if it was
champagne bubbles were. I did feel remarkably forgetful in the days that followed. But I saw that as
part of getting "back into balance" again."

Anonymous - Bengs Restore

"I sleep better and my diabetes (type 1) is more stable than ever."

Ms Verheul - Bengs Restore

"I have breast cancer and had surgery last week. I have been using Bengs Restore since 2 weeks. I wanted to
the hospital without taking Bengs Restore with me. I benefit a lot from it."

Ayse (aged 24) - Bengs Restore

"I have been using the Bengs Restore for 2 months, already finished my first bottle and am now on the second. I was consistent with taking it for a month as per the dosage (2 drops 4 times daily*). The most remarkable result I recorded has definitely been the impact on my mental well-being. Compared to previous moods, I feel much more cheerful, optimistic and joyful and at the same time much less anxious and worried. Even though the improvement was caused by a placebo effect, experiencing this shift makes me very satisfied with my purchase." "The second benefit I noticed has to do with my skin texture. I made myself a 'skincare product' of plain water + 5 drops* Restore in a 30ml spray bottle and applied the water to my face about three times during the day. Apart from the refreshing and invigorating effect, the spots also seemed to diminish over time (My mother said it even gave me a glow, so that's a good sign). Other family members of mine with other, more serious skin conditions, spray the water on their skin occasionally, because they say it makes their skin feel better :-). But since they do not apply it regularly, I cannot say that their skin health has improved significantly. Currently, I no longer follow the first schedule, but take the drops* intuitively, the same goes for the 'facial treatment'. The pleasant results continue and I would like to express my sincere gratitude for making these drops* available!"

Berthe - Bengs Restore

"Every day 4 x 2 drops*. Almost imperceptibly, things are improving. I almost don't suffer from the psoriasis on my hands and feet anymore, in fact I don't suffer from thick feet when it's very hot either. I always had that other summers. I also feel firmer as a result. It seems like the base is healthier and I keep it that way. Very special. It looks like drops of water and it does a lot. Thanks!"

Blandina - Bengs Restore

"As for Bengs Restore: I am completely sure that the drops* have a huge effect on the brain. What I could observe myself is that I feel clearer thinking and my memory is better. This is also reported back to me by my clients to whom I have recommended taking the drops*. Students, including my sons, also use the drops* to support their memory functions. Of course, the drops also support resilience. As you can read, I am really impressed!"