Theresa Gormly DC

I recently bought the Recover drops as my dog is suffering from a large tumor. She has had so many symptoms – difficulty breathing, constipation, muscle weakness, no appetite etc. I thought I would be “putting her down” soon but since she is taking the drops as directed on the bottler breathing is absolutely normal and she is pooing and eating and continues to be able to walk. I gave her 1 drop every 15 minutes for the first hour and now I am continuing to give her 1 drop per hour as consistently as I am able because my hope of course would be that the tumor shrinks. This hasn’t happened yet and she is almost 14 years old so I don’t know if that is in the stars at this point. I have done the cycling and I have used the energized cotton as well but the drops really have made a huge improvement. Thank you, Theresa Gormly DC.